Murlà & Contreras Advocats S.L.P., offers legal services and advice in Immigration Law and Animal Law. The office, notable for its international outlook, is staffed by highly specialized professionals, committed to academic research. Our team includes attorneys who are licensed to provide legal advice to our national and foreign clients. We here in Murlà & Contreras Advocats offer our clients comprehensive support for their projects. Trust, responsibility and excellence are the company values that guide Murlà & Contreras Advocats.
Ms. Núria Murlà Ribot
Founding Partner
Ms. Núria Murlà is a licensed attorney with the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB)
Ms. Núria Murlà is a Graduate in Law (University of Girona), a Graduate in Management and Public Administration (University of Girona) and holds a Master in Animal Law and Society (Autonomous University of Barcelona). She has taken specialization courses in Political Sciences and Local Law (University of Girona) and in Prison Law (Barcelona Bar Association, ICAB).
She has worked in the fields of Administrative Law, with a special emphasis on Local Law, in areas of Civil Law such as Contracts, Family Law and Inheritance and in Animal Law.
Dr. Carlos Andrés Contreras López
Founding Partner
Dr. Contreras López has been a licensed attorney with the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB) since July 22, 2010.
Dr. Contreras is licensed to practice Law in Colombia and Spain. He graduated in Law from the Pontifical Xaverian University (Bogotá, 2007) and a is Graduate in Law from the University of the Basque Country (San Sebastián, 2008). He specializes in Immigration and Civil Law. He also has extensive experience in Animal Law and Environmental Law, with several publications to his name.
He holds a Doctorate in Private Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (Bellaterra, 2014), a Master in Research in Business Law and Contracting (2010), a Diploma in Advanced Studies in Roman Law (2010) and a Diploma in Advanced Studies specialized in Business Law and Contracting (2017). He also finished the Postgraduate Degree in Legal Practice from the Barcelona Bar Association in Civil Law and Criminal Law (Ed. 2016-2017).
He was a R+D grant holder from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government, and an Associate Professor in Roman Law in the UAB. Between 2011 and 2016, he was the academic coordinator of the Master in Animal Law of the UAB and an educator and researcher in the International Center for Animal Law and Policy (ICALP) of the UAB.
He has worked as a legal assistant in Pich & Abogados (Barcelona 2009-2010) and in the public telecommunications services company Avantel, S.A. (Bogotá 2007). He did his legal internship in the third section of the Colombian Council of State (Bogotá 2006) and is currently a columnist for Ámbito Jurídico (Bogotá).
Adriana María Barba
Es va graduar Magna Cum Laude al John Jay College of Criminal Justice de Nova York, amb un B.A. en Justícia Penal Internacional. Durant la seva estada va ser president del Club Internacional de Justícia Penal i membre de l’Associació d’Estudiants de les Nacions Unides (UNSA), entre altres organitzacions estudiantils, participant en diverses ocasiones en les conferències de Model Nacional de Nacions Unides (NMUN).
Cristina Bécares
És advocada en exercici des de setembre de 2006 i mediadora inscrita al Registre de Mediadors de Dret de Família i de Dret Privat. És llicenciada en Dret per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i posteriorment també es va llicenciar en Criminologia a la mateixa universitat.
De forma continuada actualitza i amplia els seus coneixements, va cursar el Postgrau de Pràctica Jurídica a l’Il·lustre Col·legi d’Advocats de Terrassa, Màster en Dret Animal i Societat (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Màster en Sistema de Justícia Penal (Universitat de Lleida) i va superar el Curs Superior Universitari en Mediació Civil, Mercantil i Familiar (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos).
Carlos Felipe Gonzalez
Advocat bilingüe espanyol-anglès de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB) des de 2008, amb especialització en Dret Comercial per la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia i Màster en Propietat Intel·lectual, Industrial i Noves Tecnologies per la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Va realitzar el curs de Dret a l’Entreteniment a la Universidad de los Andes (Colòmbia), així com el curs de Models de Contractes al Sector Audiovisual organtizat per l’Organització Mundial de Drets d’Autor (OMPI) i la Direcció Nacional de Drets d’Autor de Colòmbia.